Sentimental Ways to Display Family Memories

Beyond the distinct framed photos on the wall, how do you preserve your family memories? Family photos, of course, represent a wonderful timeline, but there are many ways to remember happy moments. Finding the best display method just takes a little creativity and reflection on what family means to you and how you display that bond in your home.

Instead of keeping memorable items tucked away in an attic or basement, be selective and thoughtful about how you want to display your favorite times together as a family. For some inspiration, here are a few creative ways to honor family bonds.

Treasure Box Just for Family Vacations

If you want to remember special summer family vacations, find a few items you can put into an artful memory or keepsake box to remember for years to come. Some examples of items you might want to put into a keepsake box include things like tiny shells from the Pacific Ocean, ticket stubs from Disneyland, dried flowers from Yellow stone, a key chain from Paris, or any trinket that adds sentimental value to your box. You can decide if each child needs their own keepsake box or if you want just one for the family as a whole.

Keepsake boxes also make nice presents for a sweet 16 birthday for holding jewelry, a first communion gift for a rosary, or best friend gifts for notes and photos. Choose a finely crafted, hand-painted box with a hinged lid as it will display nicely on a shelf and keep your special items safe and sound.

Christmas Ornaments and More Full of Memories

Christmas time is about family traditions—from the angel on top of the tree to the stockings hung with care. Another timeless family tradition is gifting each child an ornament (dated or not) to commemorate the year. If the ornaments are of heirloom quality and crafted by a talented artist, your children are certain to pass them down to their children when the time comes. (It’s always special to see how your traditions become theirs too.)

Decorating a Christmas tree and setting up a nativity set is also part of the season for many of us. Just like adding a new ornament every year is part of the family tradition, some also enjoy adding a new piece to their nativity each year as well. The Three Wisemen, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus are the staples, but you could add angels, animals, trees, and a backdrop for your scene as well, as the years pass.

Figurative Sculptures Depicting Family Relationships

A family grouping of figurative sculptures is symbolic of the love you share, and it’s particularly touching when displayed and shared with others as they come into your home. Select individual figurines that reflect relationships between siblings, parents with a new baby, a newly married couple, or a family of four with a cat and dog—or whatever your family unit entails. Build upon the family grouping over the years as your love and family grows.

About Willow Tree®

Willow Tree® figurative sculptures are about the relationships we share with friends, family, our pets, and ourselves. Artist Susan Lordi captures human expression perfectly through gestures only, such as a tilt of the head, a warm embrace, and placement of the hands. Her intricately designed, hand-painted figurative sculptures provide comfort as sympathy gifts, and are also well-suited for celebratory occasions to be given as birthday gifts, holiday presents, wedding and anniversary gifts, and so much more. Lordi’s focus on form and gesture instead of facial expressions is what makes her signature work instantly recognizable and open to interpretation by the giver and receiver. 

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