How to Remember Your Loved Ones with Family This Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, you’re probably excited for the opportunity to see and spend time with your family. Whether you live across the country and only see them once or twice a year, or you live right down the block, spending time with your loved ones is the best part of the season.

Sadly, some family members have passed on, and their seat at the dinner table will never be completely filled again, but there are still ways that you can keep their memory alive during your holiday family gatherings. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to remember your loved ones this holiday season.

Honor Them by Serving One of Their Favorite Recipes

What did they enjoy eating the most? Maybe it was your Aunt Vivian’s green bean casserole, or perhaps they had the best recipe for dinner rolls from scratch. Whatever the case may be, research shows that the taste of foods is a powerful way to reconnect with your memories.

Also, if you have access to their recipe book, you can keep their signature dish alive for generations by recreating it every year, honoring the tradition of passing down family recipes. So, this holiday season, enjoy a dish that reminds you of your lost loved ones and keep their memory alive at the family gathering.

Share Stories

What do you remember most about your lost loved one? Was it how they were always there for your little league games growing up? What about that time they came dressed as Santa Claus and handed out gifts at a holiday gathering years ago? The best way to keep your loved one's memory alive is to continue talking about them with your friends and family. Don't be afraid to share these memories with the people at your holiday gathering while you're busy catching up with them—they likely have memories of their own to share as well.

Display Memorial Gifts

When a loved one passed away, you might have given or received touching memorial gifts to honor their memory. These gifts are incredibly helpful and can aid people going through the grieving process. They’re also useful years afterward when one wants to look back and remember the good times that they had with that person. If you still have these memorial bereavement gifts, you should put them on full display at the holiday party. Place them on a coffee table, fireplace mantel, or anywhere else you feel it would be fitting for the festivities.

About Willow Tree®

Since 1999, artist Susan Lordi has been designing and hand-carving inspirational gifts that put the silent beauty of body language on full display. Her pieces, carved in her studio in Kansas City, Missouri, contain no facial expressions, meaning that every detail of the body, from the head placement to the position of the hands and feet, showcase the distinctive and delicate features that we all have. With Willow Tree® handmade sculptural figurines, you can project the characteristics you loved the most about your passed loved ones and cherish them for years to come.

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